Ukraine, Khmelnitsky 2018
area: 200m2
stage: realization
project manager: Yuriy Gavrilyuk
architect: Yuriy Sys
visualizer: Denis Getmanchuk

Ukraine, Khmelnitsky 2018
area: 200m2
stage: realization
project manager: Yuriy Gavrilyuk
architect: Yuriy Sys
visualizer: Denis Getmanchuk
The project of a small one-story villa emphasizes the dominant role of proportions in the architectural realm, for the sake of which, due to the construction of a supporting wall, the slope of the plot was adjusted parallel to the outlines of the structure. The transparent low fence separating the plot from the road actually reveals only a small part of the life of the yard to the street, since the inner wall is much higher than it might seem to passers-by. Just as a person's face is able to convey all emotions, so the appearance sets the mood and is the first thing that people pay attention to when they get acquainted with architecture. The production uses an elongated narrow shape of the facing brick from the GeoStylistix collection by MBI, which creates the illusion of a house application and adds to its scale. Huge corner windows became an expressive ornament on the white canvas of the building. From the kitchen, right under the overhang of the canopy, which does not have a support, which seems to be hanging in the air, there is a terrace. And the eternal music of birds singing, coming from the park, completes the composition with complete genius.